Sumo Wrestler
Mommy & Jaeden

Family Memories....by Cheryl Engelhardt
Sumo Wrestler
Mommy & Jaeden
It seems like it's been forever since I've written a blog. Well, I guess it's been two months actually! The last two months have been extremely busy for us. We have started remodeling our basement. It will eventually become our master bedroom. The closet alone is almost as big as our current bedroom. I'm really looking forward to finally having some space for all of Danny's....umm I mean our clothes! We'll have a seperate sitting area where we can fit two recliners and a television too. This will certainly help to de-clutter my house. It's been a really big adjustment for me (who cleans the house) to go from more room than we needed to not enough room. This will certainly make a huge difference for us. It will make me not want to move ever again! That's big for us, believe me.
Christmas was awesome this year. It was fun to have the babies to buy gifts for. I admit that I went a little (okay a lot) overboard buying things for Avery but hey, I've been waiting to be a grandmother for a long time. Remember I was a mother at an early age so I've waited as long as many other women who are eager to be grandmothers! Next year will be even better. Not only will Avery and Sofia be older but Dan and Tiffany will have their baby too! I'm very happy to know that this past Christmas will be their last one without a child.
Speaking of which....we are counting down to the homecoming of a new grandchild these days. We are hoping that by the end of the summer, Dan and Tiffany will be home with Marin/Bennett. This is what we are all calling their baby until we find out if it's a boy or a girl. It will be Marin for a girl and Bennett for a boy. The middle name will be the baby's Ethiopian given name. For now it's Marin/Bennett to all of us. It's odd for me to think about the fact that he/she is already born and just not with us yet. I'm sure this is proving to be much more difficult for Dan and Tiffany though. He/she will be here before we know it. This is the first part of the "harder" waiting. The second part will be when they get their referral and have to wait a couple of months before they can travel to Ethiopia to bring the baby home. We'll have to keep them busy with getting ready for him/her and hope that time goes by quickly. Meanwhile they are preparing by getting all of the necessary vaccinations needed. Visit their blog for a peek! Danny and I spent a few days in Florida last week visiting his parents. We spent some time at Siesta Key beach which is one of the most beautiful beaches I've ever seen. The sand was like white powder. We also got to finally meet Roy's fiance, Kathy. They took us out sight seeing for the day. We saw some really amazing homes on the coast and went to a few shopping areas. That evening, we went to dinner and saw a really funny comedy show with them. We had a very nice visit and was able to enjoy some warm weather as well. It was a break that we both needed.
Miss Avery Grace is growing like a weed! She is doing all kinds of new things and is such a happy girl! Melissa has gotten her to laugh out loud a few times. It is sooo cute! She is also doing raspberries. Melissa and I have already gotten her a new bathing suit for the pool this summer. I'm looking forward to spending time in the pool with her this year.
Avery was baptized this past Sunday. She wore a gown that has been in Gavin's family for 40 years. She looked so cute! We all agreed that she was the cutest baby in the church!
On Saturday, Deidre and Dave's (who happen to be our best friends)daughter Nicole married her fiance Dan. They are expecting a baby boy in July. The wedding was very nice. Deidre put a lot of thought and hard work into all of the preparations in just a few months. She did a fantastic job! They both looked awesome and everyone had a really good time. I'm very excited for Deidre to become a grandmother. It seems like she's wanted to be a grandmother for as long as I have. It will be great to finally have someone to shop for baby clothes with!
I'm looking forward to another Cousinfest this Sunday. It's been a while since we've all gotten together. It will be nice to see everyone again.
All of the things that we've been doing have made the winter bearable for us this year. We are never without something to do! Hopefully staying busy this winter will allow us to relax more this summer!