Time Flies???
Avery turned 5 months old on the 26th of February. It seems like time is flying much more quickly since she has been born. She has lost most of her hair and new lighter hair is coming in. The jury is still out on whether or not she'll be light brown or blonde. Maybe blonde like her Nana! She is a very happy baby who is smiling all of the time now. I talk to her several times a week now on the phone and sing Patty Cake to her and listen to her babble into the phone. She stays attentive for quite a while before trying to play with the buttons on the phone. Here is the latest picture of her taken this past Saturday. It's hard to describe how much I love her!!!
Now, when I say that time seems to be flying by, I mean that only in terms of Avery getting older. Time is not flying by for Dan and Tiffany it seems. When they say that waiting is the hardest part, it's true. Between the long snowy winter that we've had and the fact that the adoption list hasn't moved a whole heck of a lot as of late, they are finding the wait to be extremely hard for them. They are trying to keep themselves busy with various projects and continuing to get more involved with other adoptive families. They have met other families who have either adopted from Ethiopia also and some of those who are also in the waiting stages. I too am having a hard time waiting so I cannot imagine what it's like for them at this point but before we know it, we will have Marin/Bennett here and we'll look back at this and possibly think that the waiting wasn't as bad as we all thought. Right now I can't imagine thinking that way but I guess it's kind of like childbirth.........you tend to forget how bad the pain was after you've got a baby and a little time goes by. Right now though......time is crawling!
Last Sunday we had another family gathering with my kids and Avery, Lisa, Felipe, Sofia, Tia and Jaeden. My mother and aunt Donna also made a surprise guest appearance. For those of you who know my mother, you'll know that this was truly a surprise for us. Here is the latest picture of Sofia. She has grown like a weed and is a wild woman! You know what they say about payback Lisa........
Mr. Jaeden made his first appearance at our gathering. He is such a good baby! Tia really lucked out with him. He's very quiet and at this point is only sleeping, eating, peeing and pooping. Enjoy it while you can Tia! As you can see from the picture below, he hasn't lost an ounce of hair! The fun part right now is trying out different hair styles!
Our bedroom project is almost finished!!! Yahoo!!! The carpet is being installed next week and we'll be moving down there as soon as that is finished. Danny and I went out to get all of the closet racks this weekend and Danny is doing the final painting as I type this. It will be an early spring cleaning for us! It is what I am most looking forward to in the coming weeks...........except the adoption waiting list moving!!