Friday, September 26, 2008

Happy Birthday Avery!

Today is Avery’s first birthday. I cannot believe how quickly time has gone by and how much she has changed. She has been such a joy to have in our lives. We cannot imagine what life would be without her. I never can get enough of her. Being a grandparent has been the most rewarding thing that has ever happened to us. We are totally in love with this girl! Now if we could just get time to slow down!

Saturday, September 13, 2008

I Lub You Dahlin....

Avery adores Petros. She is all smiles whenever she is around him.

A kiss for Mama (please take note of that ponytail!)

Daddy and his boy.



Be sure to watch the video until the end. You'll then understand how I got the title for this blog. (please ignore my singing!)

We are LUCKY!!

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Bust It Baby!

Petros sings........Bust It Baby.......BABY!!!

Petros is really coming out of his shell lately. Although we know that he can be quite entertaining at home, he's usually shy when it comes to a video camera. He got a big kick out of watching himself perform on Nana's camera after this. This was actually 1 of 6 videos that we did but because he was so into it, I thought it was the cutest. We also did "If You're Happy and You Know It" - I'll save that one for my next blog.

Sofia eating her birthday cake - chocolate cake with chocolate and pink frosting!
Today was Sofia's 1st birthday. I cannot believe that she is 1 already! She just started walking last week so I guess we can officially say that she walked before her 1st birthday. She had a great time and loved all of her gifts. A few of her gifts brought squeals from her. She got a big stuffed dog, a wagon, a push car, lots of books, clothes and other toys.
Avery got to take a little spin in Sofia's new you can see in the picture below, she loves the car. It has a push handle in the back so it looks like Miss Avery may just be getting one for her birthday in a couple of weeks. She's getting to be such a big girl and although she's not walking (Melissa and Gavin aren't rushing it!) she's a VERY fast crawler and still manages to beat Nana to the dog food dish!

Nana's beautiful girl