Sunday, January 11, 2009

Tuesday Nights........

I have never done a blog about my Tuesday night activity. For the past year, the five women pictured above (Peggy is missing in this photo) take turns meeting at each other's houses and playing cards. The person who hosts is usually in charge of dinner for the night. Everyone usually brings something to share, even though we always end up having WAY too much food. It's not about the cards or money though. It's been about getting together and laughing (a LOT) and just hanging out together. If someone had a video camera installed somewhere, we could honestly make a 30 minute comedy show every week. We are quite a cast of characters if I do say so myself and laugh from the time we all arrive until we leave for the night. Tiffany likes to call it "The Tuesday Night Supper Club." There have been a few weeks when I just did not feel like going but I always make myself do it since I don't do much else on my own. Those are always the weeks that end up being the most fun for some reason. We've done a couple of field trips also. An overnight trip to Boston which proved to be pretty interesting and fun and a very relaxing trip to Pauline's beautiful soon to be retirement home in Fryeburg. That was my favorite. The mountain views are unbelievable!
These ladies are all hysterical in their own way. We all get along great although Carolyn and Pauline (sisters) can keep us all quite entertained with their arguing. They could have their own comedy show!
Tuesday nights are the night that I look forward to the most every week. I love these ladies!

Thursday, January 01, 2009

I wanted to wish everyone a happy and healthy new year. I think that most of us are looking forward to the possibilities of things getting better in 2009 with the job, housing markets and overall economy.
I am also looking forward to SPRING already! Winter can be pretty at times but overall it stinks!
I wanted to post (after my birthday) about the great (surprise?)birthday party that my family pulled off for me on December 20th. It takes a lot to get something past me and to be honest, I cannot say that I didn't know something was up but I did not expect all of the people that came to be there. They went above and beyond and I am very thankful to them all. I honestly hate having a birthday so close to Christmas because I feel like it puts my family in a position to buy something at an already tough time of year. I got a lot of great gifts..... some that people drove for miles to get. LOL (Thanks Deidre and Dave) Here is a gift that I would not have expected in a million years:

I saw this on and fell in love with it! It is rare these days for me to like something this much and I made it clear to Melissa and Danny that I LOVED this. I never, ever would have expected my family to all chip in and buy it for me. my family and friends who went out of their way to make my birthday special this year:

I love you. Thank you all very much!