Here's #3!
Nolan Rand Stone arrived on Sunday at 1:59 pm, weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs. 1 oz. He's 21 1/4 inches long.
After a strange night of labor for Melissa, he finally made his appearance! I don't think that Melissa is cut out for epidurals. Once again, she had issues with it not working as it was supposed to and had to work through the pain. I'm very proud of her. She did an awesome job! It almost killed me to watch it but I survived too!
We all think Nolan looks like Gavin. He certainly doesn't resemble Avery at all when she was born and since she is a clone of Melissa, I think it's safe to say that Nolan will look like his daddy.
Avery and Petros are pretty excited. Avery keeps getting up really close and gritting her teeth, all the while saying "Baby, baby!" This is different from other babies that she's met. I think she gets that this one is her baby "Lonan"......Life as she knew it is gone and now she'll have to share Mommy and Daddy. I'm sure that she'll adjust to her brother, well....It'll just take her some time.
Petros was adorable when he got to hold Nolan. He started to rock him from side to side. I asked him how he knew to do that with the baby and he told me: "I just watched Daddy." Deep thinker, that kid is! He was thinking about what he was going to do before he held the baby.
It's hard to believe that we are now grandparents to 3! I'm starting to feel like mid-life has finally hit. I'm not sure why it didn't feel that way before but there is something about having 3 grandchildren that makes it more real. Ummm....wait till #4 arrives!