The End Of 2006.........
Well, 2006 is finally coming to a close! This makes me happy because this year has certainly not been my favorite year but I guess things could be worse. This past week has been interesting.....Stephen went back into the hospital. His lung had collapsed again! They had to do surgery this time around which meant him staying in the hospital over Christmas. His surgery was done on Tuesday, which was the day after Christmas. He did very well and ended up going home late Thursday afternoon. He'll be staying with Dana and Ann for a few days and will hopefully be on the mend now and stay healthy for a while! My father went into the hospital on the 27th. He had been having some pain between his shoulders and experienced shortness of breath whenever he walked around. This had been going on for some time. He ended up having 3 stents put in! I guess it's a good thing his was persistent and followed through. I took him home this morning. He came through the procedure with flying colors. I think everyone is all healed up now and hopefully ready to start a healthy new year.
Our Christmas was very nice. We hosted a Christmas Eve gathering at our house and had quite a crowd. There was way too much food but I guess that goes with the territory. On Christmas Day, we visited Stephen in the hospital and mostly spent a quiet day. We opened gifts with our kids around 4:00 and then cooked dinner. Dana, Ann and their family came over and joined us. We had a good time but again, there was too much food. Tomorrow will be the day that I get the big green trash bag out and throw a bunch of stuff away, including the candy that I can't stay away from!
I'll be starting a new job on Tuesday of the new year! The other job that I had was not a good fit for me but I knew that from the very beginning. I continued to look for work while I worked there though and was pretty picky about places I applied to. I went for one interview. It was working in a small office doing a lot of different things. I wanted the job badly because it's really everything I've been looking for. Well, after a couple of weeks, they called me and offered me the position! It is literally 10 minutes from my house and the benefits are much better. There are lots of other perks that I didn't get with the previous position. I'm very excited about it and think that it will work out great for me.
I think that's about it for this week......I'm hoping that things are a bit boring for a while. I need boring right now.
My family and I all have new things to look forward to......good health and my new job! We are very lucky!!
Happy New Year Everyone! I hope you all have a great year!
Dancing Avery and more snow!
16 years ago
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