The snow has finally disappeared from our yard and pool area. I know that this is not the case for some of you who read my blog but look on the bright side.....spring is here and hopefully we won't get ANY MORE snow! Danny and I have finally moved into our HUGE new bedroom. I love it! We've got a little work to do on the organization of the main floor upstairs but overall, things look much better. We are as busy as ever lately. Danny with work of course and me with...................well.........................a little of everything. We're looking forward to the warmer weather and getting outside.
Melissa and Gavin have been taking some walks with Avery and she loves to be outside. They have signed her up for swimming lessons that will begin in a couple of weeks. She loves the water so I'm sure she'll do well. It will prepare her for the many hours that we'll spend in the pool this summer. She already has 4 bathing suits so she'll certainly always have a dry one! Her personality is changing pretty quickly these days. She definately prefers to be with her mother and let's you know it. We have conversations on the phone which either consist of Avery babbling to me for several minutes or her being completely silent while Nana makes a complete fool of herself by singing loudly into the phone for her. She is getting to be so much fun and I'm sure the best is yet to come.
Dan and Tiffany (and the rest of us!) are very anxiously waiting for a referral for Marin/Bennett these days. As Dan and Tiffany get closer and closer to the top of the waiting list, it seems like time is d-r-a-g-g-i-n-g! I'm looking forward to just finding out if we have a Marin or a Bennett. It doesn't matter to me either way but I've got shopping to do!! This child will need everything so on top of giving them a shower, there will be lots of preparation for this child who we already love so much!! We cannot wait to meet him/her.
We have lots of things coming up. There are baby showers, birthdays, a college graduation, a shower to plan for Dan and Tiff, a 70th surprise birthday party for my father and a trip to New York in the fall with my Tuesday night card crew (and my best friend Deidre!). Dave, Danny, Deidre and I have also discussed a vacation next winter in a warm and sunny tropical place. As you can see, life is never dull. I stay busier than ever!
I've been messing around with different blog layouts lately and after feeling like I finally conquered making them, have decided that I don't have the time and what does it really matter anyway....does anyone really care what my layout looks like?
Possible new things on the horizon for me.........stay tuned!
Actually, I happen to like your layout and I do care. Thank you for your help wrapping gifts today at Sara's shower and for helping Tiff out.
Oh my Cheryl I wish you would blog weekly theres to much to take in and respond to.I will say I am sooo!!! very happy to be apart of your family and all the adventures that we have had and all the ones to come.
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