There was recently a great story in an online newspaper in Connecticut about Ethiopian adoptions:,0,7186106.story
This story was trying put a positive message out into the world about adopting and some of the processes people go through. It also follows adoptions through the agency that Dan and Tiff are using and shows what a great job they do with families who want to adopt from Ethiopia or other countries. At the end of this story, there was a link to click so that people could make comments on the story. It was absolutely mind blowing that there are such ignorant people who are still out there in today's society. Some comments were extremely racial and then there were other comments that questioned adopting outside of this country. I was going to post some of the really crude comments on my blog site so that you could all see how ignorant people can be. I cannot get to the comments section of the story now because the newspaper's website actually decided to shut down the comments section for this story because of the racial and extremely negative comments. One of the things that struck me was the fact that some of these people acted like anyone who adopts outside of our country were on different teams: The "United States team" vs. "Any Other Country "team. What about Team "This Whole World"? Why do people think that families who live in the U.S. should only adopt children who are also from the U.S.? Do they realize that it is much more difficult and not to mention waaaayyyy more expensive? It's a much longer wait in most cases too. The obvious thing about the comments that really was irritating are the people out there who are obviously racists. These are the people who are still making it difficult and continuing to add fuel to the fire for people who have a different color skin than they do. This is in part, what is wrong with today's society. WAKE's only skin color. Don't label people because of their skin color. White racist's are the people who give all white people a bad name. Some people with a different skin color are the people who give all people with different skin color a bad name.
I know that my grandchildren are and will be very loved by Danny and I. We are so eager for Dan and Tiff to become parents. Most of you already know what fantastic parents they are going to be and that some baby is going to be VERY lucky to have these two as his/her parents. I'm sure that there are people out there who have differing opinions on Dan and Tiff's choice too. This has been an eye opening experience for our family and we are still in the process of learning and will continue to see things in a different light in the coming months. This is a life lesson that I'm happy to have had the chance to experience. I will leave this earth a different person because of it.
Despite the shorter wait times, this process has been long and very hard. We are very grateful for every one's continued encouragement and support. We are now in the home stretch and the wait seems even tougher.
Enough ranting......on to happier things! I hope that my next blog will have referral news on it!
Well said, Chewoo!
Cheryl - You Rock!!!
And can I say, as this baby's other grandmother, I whole heartedly agree!
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