Petros visited his new preschool that he'll be going to in Portland on Thursday and loved it! He even participated in "Show and Tell" and showed everyone his watch. All of the kids loved it and said that they also wanted a watch. That made him feel pretty important! He'll start preschool on September 8th. He'll go 3 days one week and 2 the next. That should work out great for Tiffany's work schedule. Daddy will be dropping him off on his way to work in the morning and will be picking him up at night (that's IF Tiffany can stand to get out of work and not go pick him up herself!!)
On Saturday, Melissa, Avery and I went to the Carter's outlet to "make sure we hadn't missed anything for Nolan"......... That's always fun! When we ask Avery "Who goes shopping?" She says: "Nana, Mommy and Avery!". She's got that one down pat! The shirt she's wearing below was one of our purchases. CUTE! We enjoyed just hanging out at the house for the rest of the day and were surprised to see the sun pop out around 4:00. We took advantage and jumped in the pool.

I'm pretty impressed with Avery's knowledge of Beatles songs. Melissa sings verses to "In My Life" and Avery can finish the song all the way through! A girl after my own heart! She's a lot like her mother.....loves to sing. I remember when Melissa was growing up and on our endless rides from Naples to Portland and back home again, she'd sing the whole way......loudly! It's interesting to see how things come back around...LOL - I have a feeling that this one will too!
Danny and I went to dinner and then to a movie on Saturday night. That's pretty rare these days for us. We're hoping to plan a long weekend after Nolan comes to get away. Our 29th anniversary will be coming up in September so that's probably a perfect excuse.
We had a really good day on Sunday. I watched Petros for the afternoon while Tiff worked and Dan did his Big Brother duties. It was a gorgeous day! After lunch, Petros and I played in the pool for almost 4 hours!! (Nana got burned to a crisp!!)
Petros learned to swim under water without plugging his nose which was a pretty big deal for him. He also likes it when Daddy or Papa throw him up high in the pool and he goes under water........AH! my nerves!! He's come a LONG way since last year......check him out!
We ended the the weekend with an impromptu barbecue of hamburgers, hot dogs as well as salads and desserts. Dan, Tiffany, Petros, Gavin, Melissa, Avery, Felipe, Marcella, Sofia and Danny's parents joined us.
I had a really great weekend! I want more like these!

The countdown begins...........I'm getting soooo excited!