Time Keeps On Ticking………………

Well, here we are, waiting for Nolan to join us. I guess he’s going to come when he gets good and ready and not when it’s convenient for anyone. I’m guessing that he’s going to be a pretty independent little guy anyway. My guess is that he’ll be much more active and demand a lot more attention than Avery did. I’m ready to give him all the attention that he’ll need as I’m sure both Melissa and Gavin are. We just want him to hurry up and come out so we can finally meet him! I’m really excited to see Avery with him since she’s been “hugging and kissing” baby Lonan (aka Nolan) for a long time now. She doesn’t have a clue as to what is about to happen but I know that she’ll be a very good big sister. Melissa’s pregnancy hasn’t been quite as easy this time around. Nolan likes to move around a LOT more than Avery did so Melissa hasn’t been sleeping very good but manages to sneak a few naps in with Avery now and then these days. I’m hoping that by the time I write my next blog, it’ll be full of pictures of our newest family member!

Next week will also mark the one year mark for one of the greatest loves of our lives to join our family, Petros Bekele Engelhardt! I still think about all of the people who loved and supported our family during the time when Dan and Tiffany were waiting to bring Petros home. It was a time in our lives that I will never forget. It seems like he’s been with us forever and I guess in some ways, he really has.

Petros is so handsome, smart, sensitive and loving. I cannot think of another child his age that is as caring as Petros. I love him so much! Dan and Tiffany celebrated their Family Day yesterday, which was the 1 year anniversary of the day they met Petros, by taking him out for dinner. They went to a Mexican restaurant since they know that Petros loves spicy food. We’ll all be taking a trip to Funtown to celebrate. I’m sure he’ll love that! I also look forward to seeing Petros with Nolan. He says that he doesn’t want to hold him but I’m sure that will change as soon as he comes to the hospital to see him.

I could not agree more about that sweet grandson of ours. He is just so special.
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