Triple Blog......
I've got a lot to blog about so this will be 3 different subjects.
I want to start out by letting everyone know who reads this blog, including family members that this was intended to let everyone know what we were up to and how we were doing. Since we are so lucky to have such great friends and family who care about us, I thought that rather than repeat ourselves multiple times when something was happening in our lives, I'd put it here and the intention was not to make it "public" but only let friends and family know where the blog site was and if they wanted to keep up with what we were up to, they could. These are people that we most likely would have told all of these things to anyway. We did not intend to leave anyone out of what was happening in our lives. With that being said, Danny and I have been through a lot this past 6 weeks. I don't think some of you can imagine the feeling of going from a nice home and great job to where we are today. This has been extremely difficult and we have not had a full nights sleep since. We are stressed every day and on top of looking for jobs, we are trying to deal with other important family issues that require immediate attention. Needless to say, we don't need anymore stresses. If you feel like you are left out of the loop then you've missed the point of this blog. I'm not talking about most of you because 99% of you have been so awesome over these past weeks that we don't know what we would have done without you. We have learned some very important life lessons about family and friends. You can probably guess by now that this particular blog is intended to send a message to certain people....well, you're right. It is. Danny and I do believe that our lives are more important right now. That might not sound okay to some people but we've spent most of our lives being generous and active in other people's lives. This is a time for us to worry about ourselves. We are excited about being back in Maine and closer to everyone. We will miss the friends we made but hopefully they'll come to visit us and we'll visit them and plan vacations together in the future. We've learned a lot about people, both good and sometimes not so good. Our circle has become much smaller over these past weeks. Remember, you can comment at the end of every blog if you've got a question or if you'd rather things be less "public" I've got an email address:
We ARE staying in Maine! Danny has been offered a position at Idexx! We are so happy today and a lot of stress has been lifted off our shoulders. It's a solid job and will be very interesting and rewarding for him. Now I've got to land a job and we'll be off to house hunting again :-( This time will be much better though because we're finally home. It's been a long road but we've met a lot of fantastic people and have seen a lot of places that we might otherwise not have.
Mall of America.....(Deidre is lucky that I can't get any pictures loaded tonight!)Deidre and I went to the Mall of America this past weekend. We had a really great time. The place is certainly something to see. It has an amusement park in the center of it and the stores are endless. Neither of us spent much money. We were happy just going through all of the different stores and hanging out together. No matter how much time goes by, Deidre and I can not see each other for a year and meet up somewhere and it seems like we've never been apart. We just pick up where we left off. We like the same things (except shoes!) and there is never a time when we don't agree on what to do or where to go. She is an awesome person who has been my friend for many many years. She has been very supportive these past weeks and I couldn't have gotten through this without her! She has been my sounding board and my voice of reason. I'm so happy that we'll be able to spend more time together.
Dancing Avery and more snow!
16 years ago