Monday, April 30, 2007

Aftermath and Progress

We finally were able to find someone to cut the tree that fell across the septic system, the pool shed and the fence. As you can see from this picture below, there were some big branches driven into the ground from the force of the tree falling. One in particular is giving us some headaches. Danny has been unable to get it out of the ground. He has dug down to the crushed rock on top of the septic system and it still isn't budging!! This is going to be a tough one but we'll figure something out.

Below is a picture of the shed and fence damage. The shed is actually twisted. It's hard to see in the picture but the force of the twisting caused a window to bust out of the shed. The pool cover has several holes in it and will definitely need to be replaced. At this point, our damage is up around $8,600.00. The insurance company will only cover up to $500.00 to get a tree removed (and that's only if it does property damage). Try getting a tree that size removed for less. It was an eye opener for us!
We've seen a lot of other people with much more damage than we had so we feel lucky but it's a lot of work to get all of the work done and get estimates. I can't imagine how people with worse damage are dealing with it.

I scream, you scream......

No, you are not seeing things.....and yes, this person is indeed my daughter in law getting her dog, Maggie and ice cream from the ice cream truck that comes by their house. Maggie goes crazy when she hears the truck playing music. This dog could seriously have her own television show.

Pregnancy Update......
Here is the most recent picture of Melissa and Gavin. I cannot believe how big her belly is getting and she was only 4 months pregnant in this photo! We find out the sex of the baby on May 17th. She is feeling pretty good overall and hasn't had any big issues...just the usual, being tired and a few headaches. She has been lucky so far.

Planes, Trains and Boats...

Melissa, Tiffany and I will be taking the Amtrak "Downeaster" to Boston on May 12th. I'm looking forward to spending the day with them. We will probably just do the usual, shopping and eating of course. Danny will be flying to North Carolina to meet up with some friends to move a boat from North Carolina to Florida. They'll be doing some fishing and relaxing along the way. I think this will be a great little get away for both Danny and I.

Deidre and Dave will be going to Florida this coming Saturday. I'm sure it will be a lot of fun for them and give them plenty of time to just kick back and relax. I'm jealous! I wish we were going! Have fun guys!! I'll post again soon.


Deidre and Dave said...

hey cheryl can't wait to go on vacation!! but i want to go to boston with you:( so you think of me and i will think of you:)have fun.missy looks so nice being pregnant she has that glow.

Anonymous said...

cheryl if you want to get rid of the wood - let me know.


we will all be at the train station on the 12th - we're taking the bus to logan that morning - what time are u guys gonna be there?

Gavin, Melissa and Avery said...

Ick, I hate this picture of me! I look awful and fat. We actually find out about the baby on May 16th. I am waiting for a post for Sydney's birthday!!