Our Week - We've had a pretty busy week. Danny had last week off and worked on tearing down the shed and doing other cleanup projects from the storm damage. We are making a bigger shed so we had cement poured to expand it. He'll be working on that as well as many other projects that need to be done. Just think, in a few weeks we'll be opening the pool.
Geez, it was snowing a month ago! Danny left on Thursday to go to North Carolina on a fishing trip. He had a great time and came back with a great tan from being out on the water. They fished about 45 miles out to sea. He did pretty well not getting sea sick and caught an awesome
mahi as you can see in the picture! He and the guys that he fished with ended up eating it for dinner. He came home late Sunday.
Melissa's 26th birthday was on Sunday. I cannot believe that she is 26 already. It's funny how time flies as you get older. It seems like yesterday she was running around with her jelly belly doll. Melissa, Tiffany and I took the Downeaster to Boston on Saturday for some shopping and good food. We met up with Karen who spent the day with us. We came home exhausted with sore feet from all of the walking. Tiffany actually has many blisters to show from her day in Boston. We stopped to buy her another pair of shoes but the damage was already done. By the time we got back on the train to come home, Tiffany's toes were so swollen they looked so sore. Melissa actually did better than Tiffany and I and I was concerned about her walking too much and getting too tired. She is doing well. We'll find out the sex of the baby on Wednesday. I'll let them make the announcement on their blog first. I have a tendency to get excited and spill the beans before they want me to but it's their baby so they can do the honors. I'm just hanging back...........for now ;-)
On Sunday I had a cookout here at my house. We celebrated Melissa's birthday and Mother's day. As you can see, Stephen helped me out with the cooking (since Danny was not home yet) and Dana cooked up the second round of food. We had some great food. Ryan was leaving to go back to Iraq so we were all happy that he was able to join us also. It was nice to get together with my family and have my mother be there as well. It seems like we haven't done that in ages. I'm hoping for a warm summer with lots of sunny days so we'll be able to enjoy the pool.
We have tons of projects planned for the summer and I'm sure there will not be a dull moment. Over the next couple of weeks we need to try to get the shed rebuilt and do some yard projects as well. I'll post again soon!.......OK.........I'll post this week as soon as the ultrasound results are in!
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