Monday, April 23, 2007

Sisters and Cousins
On Sunday, I hosted what I ended up calling (for some strange reason) Cousinfest. Well, it was actually just more of my female cousins getting together. We had a great turnout. There was only one cousin who had to work and could not make it. We had more food than we knew what to do with....(yes, even us!) I was especially pleased to see my sister Debbie come and make an appearance. It meant a lot to me that she made the effort. We made a few frozen drinks although nobody was really in the mood to drink much and told a few good stories. I created a family trivia game which ended up being a lot of fun. It's great for us to get together without the usual family craziness that sometimes tends to happen in our family. I'm hoping that this allow us to get to know each other a little better as adults and be able to stay in touch. Here are a few more pictures from our gathering.

Back row: Jamie, Cindy K., Patty Ann, Corina, Karen and Cyndi D. - Middle row: Debbie E., me and Cheryl D, - Front row: Lisa M. and Lisa D. (missing - Debbie B. & Andrea)

Back: me, Cyndi, Debbie E., Lisa D., Debbie B. Lisa M. and Corina in the front


Me, Lisa and Debbie

Cindy & Cheryl

Corina and Karen

Cyndi & Jamie

Lisa & Debbie

I'm still working on a picture of Patty Ann who doesn't have any sisters. I didn't get one of her but as soon as I do, I'll be sure to post it for everyone to see!! I'll post again soon. We have lots of baby showers and other events planned for the summer so we'll probably do this again in August I'm guessing. I hope we have another good turnout! I'll post again soon.


Anonymous said...

2 Cheryls, 2 Lisas, 2 Debbies, 2 Cindys