It's A Girl!!
Let the shopping begin!!
I was absolutely shocked today to find out the Melissa and Gavin are having a baby girl today. To be honest, my bets were on a boy but I'm very happy because it really didn't matter to me either way. Anyone who knows how much I love to shop will know how much fun this will be for me. Everything looked good on the ultrasound. It still amazes me to see all of the advances that have been made since I had babies. I loved seeing Melissa and Gavin today and how excited they both were. It was a great experience for me. Knowing the sex of the baby somehow made it more real for me.......emotional......ok.........I teared up when the technician said it was a girl. I am beyond excited. Her name will be Avery Grace Stone. I will be Nana (although that's a debate with Gavin) and Danny will be Papa.
im excited to for all and i can't wait to help you shop!!!
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