In a nutshell.....
Okay...this will be brief and then I'm moving off the subject. To make it short and sweet, Danny has left his new position and we are moving back to Maine. I'll spare you the details. The house in Rochester will close as planned by the end of September. We're not quite sure how we're getting everything back to Maine but will be storing all of our stuff with family until we can find jobs and a new place to live. We are currently staying with Ann and Dana who have been awesome to us and we'll most likely spend some time at Stephen's house as well. It's times like this when you really appreciate your family. As you may imagine, this is a pretty difficult time for both Danny and I. He has worked since age 14 and has never been unemployed since then. I appreciate all of your words of encouragement. If you haven't heard from me personally, it's because I need a little more time to digest this situation. Now that I've gotten that out of the way, I'll continue blogging away and keep y'all updated as things progress.
just got on your blog today to see what was going on with you guys. I'm so sorry about Ella - and the stress you must be under right now. If there's anything I can do to help or if you just want to talk - please call me. Patty has my number at camp.
just wanted you to know that I'm thinking about you and love you as always.
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