Back to work......
I accepted a job this week (as I said in the last blog) and was going to start on Monday morning. Today I got a call from another one of the companies that I had interviewed with last week. They called to offer me the job for a few dollars more an hour than the first place. I accepted the position. Not only because it was more money but I think it will be a better fit for me. I'll be working with someone that I worked with at Fairpoint too. He also thinks I'll be a good fit for the job. This is going to prove to be interesting for me seeing that I haven't worked outside of my house since I left Maine. It will be an adjustment to say the least. Of course we are still staying with Dana and Ann right now until we close on the new house so things will be a little bit crazy for the next couple of months with me adjusting to working again and getting settled into a new house. I'm kind of feeling like we've just gone in a big circle (or curcle as Dave would over the past 5 years. We're kind of right back where we started it seems. Money was a little better when we left but oh well, you can't have everything and believe me, I feel extremely lucky to have been able to settle back into Maine so quickly and still be able to afford a house and just live the simple life that we used to live before we left. It's really all I've wanted anyway so we just took a little bit of a different route to get back here. It's been tough but we've learned a lot from it.
I think December will be a little tough to move into a house but I'm ready for the challenge. I can't wait to see all of my stuff again! I miss my bed and my big double chair! Since Danny will be traveling quite a bit, I'll have plenty of time to put things away and organize (not that he's getting out of it!). I'll be calling on all of you wonderful friends and family to help us :-) It can be your Christmas present to us! We'll be renting a truck and hopefully not making more than two trips. We're going in on Sunday for an inspection of the new house. Since the house is so new, we don't think there will be anything that comes up for us. Danny's friend Tim will be helping us out with the inspection. I'll post some pictures of the house soon.
For those of you who we have not been able to visit patient with us please. It's been kind of tough to keep up with everything and then have time to visit everyone too. I have lots of people that I really want to see and promise that as soon as we get settled in, we'll be visiting you or inviting you to visit us. Thanks for understanding and thank you also for following my blog. It would be nice to see who is following it on a regular basis too so feel free to leave a comment so I'll know who the audience is these days. I think I may have pissed a couple of people off over the past couple of months too but as the song goes: "You can't please everyone so you've got to please yourself"
I'll post again soon!
Dancing Avery and more snow!
16 years ago