After this blog, I'll be trying to find a new blog home because I'm unable to load pictures anymore. I'll let you all know the new "spot".
Jobs, Houses, Apples and Bruises.......
Danny's job is going well. Since this is a totally different line of work for him, there is a learning curve but he likes it and is excited about learning new things. I am still working on a couple of prospects but so far, nothing solid. Keep your fingers crossed for me! The sale of our home in Rochester is now complete. We are now in the process of searching for a house. So far, things have been a little disappointing. Like I said in an earlier blog, I wish I could have picked my house up in Rochester and moved it here. I cannot even begin to compare so I'll spare you and won't! We've teamed up with a realtor and will be out on Saturday searching for the day.
This past Saturday we went apple picking in Cornish with our kids (when I say kids, I mean Dan, Tiffany, Melissa and Gavin) and Deidre, Dave along with their daughter Nicole. It was a beautiful day. We parked in an area below the orchard and jumped in a bus that took us up to the orchard. The bus was pretty unique because it had a few bus seats but mostly couches and chairs that probably came from someone who was getting rid of their living room furniture. The very last seat was a small cot that was opened up. I guess if anyone got tired during the 3 minute drive, they could go back there and rest. When we got to the orchard, they had a bluegrass band playing and a chicken barbeque. We didn't pay to eat but still was able to listen to the band playing. The background was beautiful with the mountains and the trees just starting to turn. I would have liked to bring chairs and just sit and enjoy that....maybe next year.
Gavin has a terrible memory when it comes to people he has met in the past. Melissa said that before we met up that day, Gavin didn't remember who Deidre and Dave were. Once we met up, he remembered them. We picked a bag of apples and wandered around the orchard, kidding around. Melissa decided to have Gavin throw an apple at me (I used to do the same thing to her when they were younger). I will first say that he was aiming low...........but.........he obviously flipped his hand upward at the last minute and the apple went higher than expected and shot past my shoulder and hit Deidre squarely in the eye! It was pretty shocking to Deidre (and painful) but maybe a bit more shocking (and embarrassing) to Gavin who really doesn't know Deidre very well. Her eye turned red all around it and looked like she might have a good shiner later on. Gavin apologized over and over. I guess not only did he learn a lesson about throwing things but now he'll remember who Deidre is. We went over to the part of the orchard where you can put an apple into a slingshot and aim at a target across a pond. If you get the apple through the hole, you get free fudge (which by the way, is awesome!). Everyone had fun doing that. We then jumped on the bus and headed back to the car. We picked up sandwiches at the store and went back to Dan and Tiff's house. It was a nice and relaxing day and as usual, it wasn't boring with Gavin around.
Dancing Avery and more snow!
16 years ago
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