What's the opposite of Under Contract?
Well whatever it is, that is what we are right now. After taking another look at the house in Gorham and having an inspection and radon test done, we are no longer buying that house. The list was very long as far as outstanding issues and the radon test numbers came back well above an acceptable level.......so........it's back to the drawing board. I looked at a bunch of houses on Wednesday but didn't have a whole lot of luck. I'll be looking at a few on Friday too so let's hope for the best.
In between everything else, I've gone on a few different job interviews this week. For not having gone on an interview in many years, I've done quite well. I guess I'll know next week just how well the interviews went. It seems that they'll all be making a decision next week so maybe I'll have a choice. That would be good!
Dan will be traveling for a couple of weeks beginning Monday. He's off to Texas and Colorado. He continues to learn a lot and is really feeling great about his job. While I'm at it, for those of you who care (because apparently some people keep talking about this), Dan DID NOT get fired from his position in Massachusetts. He left on his own.....his decision, nobody else. They were quite surprised so I guess you can take that back to the people who seem to have an obsession with the rumor mill at TW. Find something else to talk about, will ya? We're so over it and you should be too.
We'll probably have a busy weekend looking at houses on Saturday and probably going to open houses on Sunday. Saturday night we're having dinner with Deidre and Dave....that'll be fun. Keep your fingers crossed for us on the house hunting! I'll keep y'all (geez, am I still in Texas?)updated.
Dancing Avery and more snow!
16 years ago
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