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Happy Birthday...... Okay, you be the judge

to my favorite son! He turned 27 years old today!!! I cannot believe I have a child that old. It seems not so long ago that I was up all night with him rocking him in a rocking chair. I could not be any prouder of the person that he has become. He has a huge heart and is always willing to help anyone in need. I hope you had a great that beard that you've recently decided to grow! I HATE it!!!!!! I want to see you looking like the picture above! That's what you can give your mother for Christmas and it won't cost you a thing. I love you very much and am beyond proud of the person you've become!
By posting that picture of me, you've made me realize how fat I look... The beard is here to stay. It makes me look slimmer.
I don't see but I vote shave it off. You, your father, and I just aren't beard people.
Happy Birthday, 27, Wow! It seemed like yesterday I was taking you to school in a game of basketball back in the days of Naples, Maine
by the way the last comment was from me Roy
I think the beard looks great keep it!!!!
I don't like the beard, it's not even the same color as your hair! You look much younger without it and now that you're pushing 30, you can use all the help you can get, now I am reaping the advantages of being the younger one!
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